
Monday 26 November 2018

Creative writing

In the history of Europe, the Middle Ages (or medieval period) lasted from the 5th to the 15th century. It began with the fall of the Western Roman Empire and merged into the Renaissance and the Age of discovery with more money, peasants were able to afford better housing and many now lived in wattle and daub houses. Wattle and Daub houses were taller and wider than the simple stick and straw houses. They also offered better protection from the weather. Sometimes they would make bread out of barley.

Again, besides cats, dogs, ermines, ferrets, geckos... heck, I just kinda love my new otter. Perhaps Quinn really senses the unique vision whereas Xion yearns zebras.

My name is Jinx, I am a great evil that corrupts this world. I burn down villages, tarnish castles, kill off civilians. The kings and peasants use to love me once upon a time. Suddenly they didnt I had been framed for the kings murder. I was born in a small village named bebbanburg. After I was 8 I was sent to the castle to learn how to fight under the royale knights. The new king was my close friend I would of never have killed him but no one believed me.

Monday 19 November 2018

Balancing Toy

In Tech we have been making a balancing toy with two parts to it. We had to make the stand and then we had to make the balancing piece. You would put the balancing piece on the stand and it would swing.

I did finish the project much faster than most but I believe I should have taken more time to make it look a lot better. During this project, I learned how to weld. One of the challenges I face was thinking of a design to put on my balancing piece but in the end, I think it looks nice. I did weld about 3 times and I helped a few others with their welding as well. I thought welding was scary like I could burn me or someone else. I got better at welding using the bandsaw and also measuring out basic shapes.  XD

Monday 12 November 2018

Move to improve

Why did I Choose move to Improve because it seemed fun and would help me stay fit
What do I want to achieve I want a better and fitter body
What do u want to do in this project I want to use weights improve my over all strength and see the strength of others
Standing jump- 0.5
Vertical jump- 2.59
Sit and reach- 20.8

Run test- 18.03
60m- 8.04
30m- 4.65
12 min run- 4 laps

Too much fructose can cause the insulin to go in to overdrive which can lead to diabetes. and i learnt lemonade has more sugar than coke. Im unsure about how much sugar is actually in something like a coke.

Thursday 25 October 2018

How to prepare a microscope slide.



1. Place your specimen in the middle of a clean slide. Ensure that the specimen is laying flat and not folded over itself.
2. Add 2-3  drops of the stain solution. Plant cells are commonly stained with iodine, whereas animal cells are commonly stained with methylene blue.

Tuesday 23 October 2018

Film study

Make a crossword
Get Photogenic.
Extreme close up          Close shot                     Medium close up           Medium shot

Mid shot                        Long wide shot                         extreme wide shot

low angle                      high angle                     Eye level

Sexxxy paragrapSEXXXY Paragraphs
Sexxxy Paragraph 1
In Dragonheart the 1996 film about a dragon named Draco and a knight named Bowen. In this film, the producers take plenty of immersive and interesting shots to attract more audience. Similar to the shot you see above where they use an XL5.

This shows the struggle between Bowen and Draco when they first meet one another. The angle of the shot helps to improve the intensity of the scene. Which engages the audience more for what is yet to come later in the film. The purpose of this was to really show the size and power difference between a dragon and a knight. As well as showing us Draco doesn't wanna kill Bowen and he wouldn't like to die either so he suggests an alternative. This worked well with the plot of the scene and really gave the full effect. I personally enjoyed this scene because it was a mix of comedy and power struggle which worked well together. The scene also had well-scripted dialogue to go with the scene.

This reminds me of spiderman when he and the goblin were fighting but then found out who they are. And were indecisive on what to do.

Sexxxy Paragraph 2
In Dragonheart, we see many well used medium shots. For example, the directors of Dragonheart used medium shots to show the bonding between Einon and Bowen. Which is also a slight bit of foreshadowing. This makes us understand the power advantage Bowen had over Einon in the start of the film. Showing us many years of practice and studying gives you the upper hand even in a sword fight. The director did this to captivate the audience into the two characters relationship. Combined with the happy upbeat music the scene was set even better.

Sexxxy Paragraph 3
High angles are used effectively in Dragonheart. For example, it was used well in the scene where Einon gets bumped into a spike on the side of a hut. This shows the blood running down the water and makes the audience believe Einon might die. The director did this to show the damage Einon took to further tell the story. Combined with well-used lighting and the colour red to show the negative emotion. The whole scene worked well together and reminds us of the end of the film when Einon is finally beaten.

Sexxxy Paragraph 4

Wednesday 17 October 2018

In Drama we played a game that i found super boring and pointless but had to do it for drama and guess it was okay.

Tuesday 11 September 2018

The digestive system

The muscles of the small intestine mix food and digestive juices from the pancreas, liver, and intestine, and push the mixture forward for further digestion. The walls of the small intestine absorb water and the digested nutrients into your bloodstream.

Esophagus- The esophagus is a long, muscular tube that connects your mouth to your stomach. It's around 25cm (10in) long in adults. When you swallow food, the walls of the esophagus squeeze together (contract). This moves the food down the esophagus to the stomach.

This stomach is a muscular organ located on the left side of the upper abdomen. the stomach receives food from the esophagus.

Thursday 16 August 2018

Testing for Protein - the Biuret Test

Aim: To test if a sample of food contain's protein.

Equipment: Test tube, sodium hydroxide (NaOh), copper sulfate (CuSo), food sample.

Method: 1. Place about 2 ml of the sample into a test tube and add 5 drops of sodium hydroxide. 2. Add 5 drops of copper sulfate. 3. Shake the test tube gently.

Results: the colour changed witch showed protein.

Conclusion: there was protein in the egg.

Monday 13 August 2018

1. To change his appearance, I would like to be more muscly but I am fine the way I am. 
2. I think being ordinary is like being the same as everyone else where as being extraordinary.
3. They have a slight pause of shock but then they're fine I would probably do the exact same.
4. Like sending someone into a bad environment without them knowing.
5. No he would be extremely bullied and that's not fair.
6. That he was doing a home test, Depending on the situation
7. A fake smile people put on not to hurt ones feelings.
8. By asking why he looks like that and asking if he was in a fire, Auggie responds by roasting Julian like a boss.

10. Because they are powerful and he probably he feels he is stronger as a Jed i knight.
11. He kept asking Auggie whats up with his face and why he looked like he had been in a fire. Julian asked those questions because hes a asshole with no respect.
12. I agree be kind its always better to give someone a nice compliment instead of being an ass.
13. He was exerting his anger at Julian at his mum because he couldn't do anything to Julian
14. Because they think hes freak and he'd give them some weird disease 
15. A Aversion is a way out of getting out of a situation or job August has one because he doesn't like his face
16. Because they think his disease is contagious. 
17. Yes because I thought he was an ass just being nice because the teachers asked him too

Monday 30 July 2018

Health and Safety signs.

Hazard Sign

A Hazard is somewhere where you could get hurt and should be careful. You should be cautious when in a hazardous area. Hazard signs are usually found somewhere like a construction site and or work place. Hazard signs would generally be near a slippery floor or a unstable building.
Image result for hazard signs
Mandatory Sign
A mandatory sign is something you have to comply with, if that happens to be wearing a piece of safety gear like a hard hat, safety goggles, harness. Working without these could result in you getting fired or warned or even a serious injury. Complying with these mandatory signs or a must for your and everyone else's protection and Guaranteed safety.
Image result for mandatory signs
Prohibited Sign
When you see a prohibited sign it means whatever it may suggest that it is not allowed. for example no smoking or no phones at a gas station. These are important to you and the people around you it is there for a reason to keep you and others safe. Not complying with this sign could result in a hefty fine or even yet again a serious injury.
Image result for prohibited

Wednesday 25 July 2018

Driaan's Talk

I do taekwondo because it gives me a rush like nothing else and makes me feel good about myself.

1. because he is dating their daughter and hes scared he wont get approval.


3. No because they didnt it was just a waist of time.

4. because she thinks her brother will be judged. no shes not

5. its a different perspective.

1. because everyone sees his face

2. People are being nicer to him and treating him better

3. he didn't want them not for the life of him but after using them said it was fine

4. Because the play would make him feel like its about him

5. To have everyone clap for you because it makes you feel good

6. alot it made them really upset and filled their lives with grief.

7. So she can let via in the play.

8. she still cares for her friends

Thursday 7 June 2018


Dictators are cruel old men who care about no one and nothing but themselves 90 percent of the time.
Although in saying that there have been a fair amount of good dictators who have done what is best for there country. Most dictators act in an autocratic way, They have absolute power and are extremely domineering. Dictators have been around for a very long time dating back all the way to ancient Rome But way back then they didn't take power by themselves no they were appointed by the people to be dictators and was given there power in cases of emergency. These are the characteristics that dictators have.


mind mup
i think theocracy is bull crap and all regions should have government it keeps peace and order

Music Task

Lorde - Royals
I really enjoy the tempo and beat of the song all of it works real well together and the lyrics just flow.

Wednesday 30 May 2018

Wonder Work

1. His wish was to have a normal face. if i could change something of my appearance it be my abdominal's.

2. Being ordinary is the same as being like everyone else. August is extraordinary because he survived through all this.

3. They look down for a few seconds. Id probably do the same.

4. It means he's like a helpless victim.

5. Yes because he has to learn to deal with everyone eventually.

6. That the test was a simple IQ test. because he wouldn't of done it if it was. White lies aren't okay.

7. A shiny smile is a fake smile (U know the smile you put on when eating your mum's cooking.)

8. Because Julian looked away and August pulled kind of a half smile.

Wednesday 9 May 2018


Aim: To observe contraction in gases.

Equipment: Aluminium can, Scissor tongs, Bunsen burner, heatproof mat, tripod, gauze mat, an open container of water.

1. Set up a Bunsen burner underneath a tripod and gauze mat.
2. Pour approximately 50-60 M of water into your can. It should be no more than 1/4 full.
3. Heat the can of water until steam is seen escaping from the top

Carefully grip the can with the scissor tongs. Ensure you have a firm of the can before lifting it of the gauze mat.

4. Quickly, but very carefully, invert the can as you plunge it into a container of water.

Observation: Nothing happend
